We give impetus to common interest and benefits. At FAY Consultant, we're always looking to establish mechanism to create new relations based on exhaustive cooperation with a zero-sum approach and to promote mutual understanding. Win-win consultancy is a prelude to harmonize the global ecosystem by working on SDG’s. We deliver exclusively hands-on services not limited to the following domains;
Detailed Engineering Design
Bio-gas Plant
Torrefaction (Bio-coal Production)
Green Concrete
Bio-Chemical & Thermo-Chemical Treatment of the Waste
Light engineering
PV system
Building integrated photo voltaic
Solar still
Solar dryer
Solar geyser
Concentrated solar power plants
Simulation softwares
EBSILON Professional ​
Wind mills
Plastic Waste
Project Writing
Bio-sand filter for water purification
Waste water purification
GHG Emission Auditing
Our Services
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We provide unique solutions to clean lake water, river water and canal water using Bio-sand filter
Started Jan 1, 1970