Small Scale Biogas Plant
High efficiency biogas plant, coupled with electric heater.
Service Description
Apart from our professional commitment, we feel true fallacy to teach people to obtain hands-on experience on prototype biogas plant. We arrange free technical workshops to local people living in rural areas. We help people to master engineering tools. We teach designing of small-scale biogas plant. Major fraction of people resides in rural areas and their livelihood is linked with livestock and agriculture. It is a sad reality to share that the absence of sustainability in agriculture and agri-waste handling practices has been adding fuel to fire to worsen the GHG emission in the country. Open dumping and throwing of cow-dung and agri-waste in canal has been deteriorating the situation. FAY Consultant is committed to provide solutions on harness clean energy from agri-waste and animal waste in rural areas on Pakistan. Although the biogas technology is not new to the world but it is the need of hour to introduce such technologies to indigenous people in Pakistan to stop conventional dumping of waste. The concept of prototype holds novelty due to hybridization of PV system with biogas plant. The electric heating system can be run through PV modules to maintain the temperature in the reactor. The electric heater is single phase and requires very less amount to electrical energy which can be provided by PV system. Our idea ensures carbon conversion of bio-waste into energy, fertilizer and reduction in GHG emission and brings sustainability in rural areas. The idea has great impact on environment and on human health. The concept eliminates the open dumping of animal or agri-waste in rural areas. In some areas, people through cow dung into waste water canal causing a severe damage to biodiversity. The novel idea is sufficient cope with conventional practices of biomass. The biogas generated will replace the open burning of biomass in stoves which causes respiratory diseases due to indoor air pollution.

Contact Details
Warispura, Faisalabad, Pakistan