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  • aniqgill

My first effort to address the issue!

Updated: Oct 29, 2020

Global pandemic emerged to be an unexpected disaster for the entire mankind. We've really suffered a lot. In fact, we are still going through this agony. Most of us have lost jobs, small businesses being destroyed, and the global economy is on recession but I lost my job due to some ulta-psychopath people in PMR Group, Philippines. They think to interfere in someone's personal life is their divine right. I am not hapless but determined to do something exceptional in life.

When I came back to my city I started working on my idea to work on sustainability. The country like Pakistan is blessed with many natural resources. Pakistan is an agricultural city with a population of 222 million. The majority of people are farmers. The astonishing fact about the population demography is the imbalance between people living in urbane and rural areas. About 65% of people live in villages, and rest of the people live in cities in Pakistan. Thus, there is a need of hours to help people living in villages to understand the concept of "UN SDG 7: Affordable & Clean Energy" from bio-waste. Sadly, the absence of policy, governing issues engendering technical, and social issues not only in the cities but also in villages.

In August 2020, I started a new company to work on sustainability. I met many people, and explained my dedication to save the nature. Its very pleasing to see people having no connection with energy generation form biowaste are interesting to see how things work.

I conducted my first ever technical workshop in Muslim Town (A small Village), Faisalabad. I had a great time with the local in this area. We had a long technical discussion on biogas generation from cow dung. There were around 20 people, and felt so happy by making this day productive. Later, I installed the biogas plant in a house.

I am very hopeful for the project. It will bring the local people on a new page of understanding global issues. It will also help the uneducated people to utilizing their resources in an effective way.

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