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FAY Consultants Earth News: Earthquake and Geological Cataclysms History from 1949 to 1999 (50-Years)

The news is about the history of geological cataclysms and death toll that had occurred from 1949 to 1999. There are many countries with abeyance in economic progress due to earthquake and the unending destruction on earth.

Table I: History of Geological Cataclysms

Image Source: See Reference and Bibliography

About the News: The news is about the history of earthquake from 1949 to 1999 accounting 50 Years in the last century. It is important to memorize people who lost their lives in the earthquake. It is also very important to recognize the cost of losing life to natural disasters.

About the blog article: The information present in the article was studied from the book mentioned in the Reference and Bibliography.

Reference: (1)


1. Erickson, Jon. THE LIVING EARTH Quakes Eruptions and other Geological Catalysms Revealing the Earth Hazards Revised Edition. New York : Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, 2001, 1994. ISBN 0-8160-4516-X (acid-free paper).


About the writer: The writer’s name is Aneeq. The writer is Christian by Faith and by Birth, Catholic Denomination, Latin Rite, Methodist, Dominican Clergy, Warispura Parish, Faisalabad Diocese, Punjab Provincial, and Pakistan. The writer is Divorce (decree from the court), with no child (pending in the court). The writer studied B.Sc. Chemical Engineering from NFC Institute of Engineering & Fertilizer Research Faisalabad affiliated with University of Engineering & Technology Lahore. The writer studied his Master Degree in Thermal Engineering from North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, and China.

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