FAY Consultants News
At FAY Consultants Earth News, we're passionate about providing readers with a platform to engage in meaningful dialogues on their favorite topics. We're committed to inclusion and focus on subjects that relate to your personal or professional interests. Our dedicated journalists work around the clock to deliver exclusive stories right from the source.

01: News about Earth' Core Discovery
​Earth NEWS: Earth's Internal Structure, 100 years and we've lost our planet to global warming, who controls our information and observation?
The information reaches us through TV is developed by scientific method. You write journal papers by following a specific scientific method. You watch YouTube in your home by connecting “Cable Network” to TV. Here, “Cable Network” is a method. You watch songs on You Tube; here You Tube is a method.
02: Clean Air Fund Helping Focused Implementation of Climate Policy to Breath Clean Air in the Region
Earth News: Clean Air Fund to Breath Fresh Air in the World
It is a very big organization in the world known as “global philanthropic organization”. The organization has been working on the following core issue related to global warming
Black carbon
Tropospherical ozone
Air pollution
Climate change
Clean air fund was launched in 2019 in the world to work with
This year in 2024 Clean Air Fund launched a Super Pollutant Portfolio with a focus on Near-Term Warming by Climate Change and Air Pollution.
At COP28, Clean Air Fund published a CASE FOR ACTION ON BLACK CARBON. Clean Air Fund has been particularly focusing carbon black emission in the region.
03: Challenges on Climate Action by UPLINK
​UPLINK to Take Lead for Launching New Challenges to Abate Global Warming
There are many competition and challenges to take lead in the Humanitarian sector. In the same manner, UPLINK has introduced three new challenges in 2024 to aggrandize local voices in the region as shown below
04: Information on “Rock Time” for K2 in Pakistan
​FAY Consultants Earth News: Is GSSP is subjected to keep the record of Preserved Rock Record?
​How a plebian mind translates such authentic information?
It means every rock present in the world was formed in a specific interval of time known as “Rock Time”. Thus, all the rocks must by recorded in the history of the world.
Do we’ve information on “Rock Time” for K2 in Pakistan?
Do we’ve “Preserved Rock Record” for the rock formation in Pakistan?