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  • Writer's pictureANEEQ Nolastname

FAY Consultants Earth News: Clean Air Fund Helping Focused Implementation of Climate Policy to Breath Clean Air in the Region

It is a very big organization in the world known as “global philanthropic organization”. The organization has been working on the following core issue related to global warming

·         Black carbon

·         Tropospherical ozone

·         Air pollution

·         Climate change

Clean air fund was launched in 2019 in the world to work with

·         Governments

·         Funders

·         Businesses

·         Campaigners

This year in 2024 Clean Air Fund launched a Super Pollutant Portfolio with a focus on Near-Term Warming by Climate Change and Air Pollution.

At COP28, Clean Air Fund published a CASE FOR ACTION ON BLACK CARBON. Clean Air Fund has been particularly focusing carbon black emission in the region.

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